Helping a Homeless Man with his Wheelchair

Helping a Homeless Man with his Wheelchair

Streets of Hope Volunteers Help a Homeless Man with his Wheelcair

Every Monday night, we, the Streets of Hope San Diego, go out into the community, meeting friends old and new, helping out in whatever ways we can. Francisco, a dear friend who has been with us for years, is someone who’s journey we’ve closely followed. Confined to a wheelchair, Francisco navigates the city’s challenges with remarkable resilience, strong arms and always a smile.

..he was so grateful he was in tears

This past Monday was particularly memorable. Volunteers Noah and Peyton, along with Jessie, managed to get some crucial wheelchair parts that Francisco needed. Seeing his wheelchair fitted with these parts brought him so much joy, it was palpable. He was deeply moved—so much so that when we tried to capture this moment, he shyly turned his face away, hiding his tears. He didn’t want us to see him crying, but it was a beautiful moment of vulnerability and genuine happiness. It reminded us all why we do what we do—why every effort is worth it to see someone like Francisco find a bit of comfort and happiness in their day.

If you want to help us help more people like him learn more here  GIVE