Streets of Hope Volunteer Donates Hand Knitted Hats

Streets of Hope Volunteer Donates Hand Knitted Hats

Streets of Hope Volunteer Donates Hand Knitted Hats

As the chill of winter settles in, the plight of those experiencing homelessness becomes even more challenging. In the spirit of compassion and generosity, one individual has taken a unique approach to extend a helping hand. With a heart full of warmth and a talent for knitting, a kind soul has dedicated her time and effort to create hand-knit hats from leftover yarn from various projects. The goal? To distribute these cozy creations to those in need, providing comfort and warmth during the harsh winter months. need of warmth during the winter months ahead.

Thanks Janet for donating.  Here’s what Janet said about the donation:

       “I have these hand knitted hats and and some fingerless gloves that I knit with yarn left from various projects. Please distribute them as you see fit to those individuals in need of warmth during the winter months ahead.”

Thanks again Janet for thinking of the homeless in the winter!

Even if you can knit hats, you can still give in other way.  Learn more here  GIVE