A Hundred Hats for the Homeless
Could be the title of a children’s book. Or a cartoon Christmas story. Instead, it was our reality a few weeks back thanks to a hard working and crafty volunteer.
“In my 75+ years,” says Dee, “I have lived by the old adage that when life gives you lemons, you should make lemonade.” (Or in her case, knitted hats.)
In her words
“For someone my age, COVID was a pretty bitter lemon. No social contacts, even with family. Zoom calls, Zoom Christmas, Zoom church, danger at the grocery store, libraries closed. Eventually, I ran out of in-house things to do, so I resorted to old hobbies to keep busy. One of them was knitting.
I learned to knit as a pre-teen, and knitted here and there over the years, but now it had a purpose. It kept me busy, and in the end, I had something to donate to help others. I ended up with over 100 hats to donate to Streets of Hope and am happy to help those who are living on the streets.
It is so sad that they live on the streets. I am always at a loss as to what I can do to help and hope my little donation helps. I hope my hats keep them warm these cold San Diego nights. “
A huge thank you to Dee who asked us not to use her full name as she prefers to be anonymous.
“I don’t need recognition. I am just happy to help.”
If you would also like to help heres how. Join us Monday Nights in service, donate a most-needed item, or give financially via the website to support our homeless friends in need.
Every little bit counts, whether it’s a hundred dollars, a hundred hats, or a hundred smiles. When we come together, all the little things make a big difference.