Birthday Party for Santos – Special Event

NOTE: This event already took place. Thanks to all who participated.

Birthday Party for Santos – Special Event

The boy in the photo is Santos. He turns 8 on September 5th.

Santos is 8 years old and has never had a birthday party.

We met Santos yesterday at the Streets of Hope San Diego Special Event when Santos and his mom came to get a free haircut.

After one of the guys from The Country Club Barber Shop finished cutting Santos’ hair, Tammy spoke to him and his mom. Tammy says, “He is seriously the sweetest kid. Last night his mom Michelle cried in my hair cutting chair because he has been asking to have a birthday party which he has never had before, but she can’t afford to give him one. So, I was thinking on to put together a little party for him!”

So join us in  a special birthday celebration for Santos!

Santos and his mom after his hair cut. Santos and his mom after his hair cut.

Santos Birthday Party Details

Chuck E. Cheese
3146 Sports Arena Blvd, San Diego, CA 92110

Saturday, September 3rd at 5:15pm.

Please come at 5:15pm if you can because Santos is coming at 5:30pm and we want to surprise him. (If you need to come late, then please just come.)

It will help us greatly to RSVP if you can so we can reserve the right size table beforehand so if you have a Facebook account please go here and RSVP: Facebook Party Reservation Link

What to Bring
If you have kids, then please bring them to join us that day cause it would just be him and his mom going, they don’t have anyone else.

If you want to donate for food, drink and the gifts we plan on giving him, that would be amazing. You can use our secure donation form below.

(We plan on buying him toys, but if you would like to donate any toys that would be great too! He really likes MineCraft, soccer balls, and skateboard. If you plan on bringing a toy, maybe you could say so in the comments so we all don’t bring the same thing.)

Secure Donation Form. For extra security, we do NOT store your credit card data.

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Donation Total: $10