Homeless Outreach in Honor of Don Angle – Haircuts and Ventriloquist Natalie Miller

NOTE: This event already took place. Click here to read about it and see the event photos.

Homeless Outreach in Honor of Don Angle – Haircuts and Ventriloquist Natalie Miller

The Streets of Hope – San Diego is proud to announce another special event this Monday July 13th.

This event is to honor our brother Don Angle who passed away this year. We also are excited to honor our veterans and all those who serve in military. We are expecting to serve well over 100 homeless brothers and sisters on the streets and need all the help we can get!

Our special guest Natalie Miller will be speaking. She is a talented comedian and ventriloquist. Read more about her talents here: http://nataliemiller.com.au/

When and Where is the Homeless Event

Monday July 13th 2015
445-615 – Haircuts and desserts
615-645 – Worship and service and prayer
645-715 – Dinner
715-750 – Handing out donations
750-8 – Close out prayer

720 15th st.
Smart and final parking lot


For this event we are collecting:

  • new socks, underwear, bras..etc.
  • new or used backpacks
  • clothes and shoes  and blankets
  • Motivational, spiritual, self help books

We are also praying to be able to give everyone at least a new packet of socks or underwear each.

We also need volunteers for:

  • Prayer team
  • Prepping and serving food
  • Sorting out and handing out donations
  • Set up and clean up
  • Hair cutting
  • Background assisting

And we are really really praying to find someone who would be willing to take photos and also someone who would shoot some video for the whole event. Please let me know if u know someone!

To find out how u can GIVE or volunteer, please contact us.